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Dream Scholarship

Dream Scholarship 


Project Sponsor 
Daol Investment & Securities / Seoul Chuck Hospital / Hunet / FINDVALUE / BlackRock

To ensure that children and youth with artistic and other talents do not lose sight of their dreams, we provide stable scholarships through high school graduation.

Service Area
S. Korea (nationwide)

Service Focus
Service Target
Artistically or athletically talented youth in underprivileged families (Grade 6 to 12)

Project Duration
January 2013 ~present

Project Effects
We found more than 18 hidden talented students and helped them to continue their educations in arts and sports

We awards scholarships to students who demonstrate both financial need and outstanding artistic or athletic ability. 
The ability includes pianos, violas, drums, musical, painting, trumpet, figure skating, yacht race, etc. 
Each student receives about $150.00 per month until they graduate high schools. We also provide participants with case management services too. 

Get involved 
Scholarship application is available through official Future For Youth Foundation homepage on march every year.

Anecdote from project participants

Playing from the heart violinist Seung Hyun Lee the violinist who plays with his heart!


"Seunghyun learned to live with one eye"

Seung Hyun was born in Oklahoma, USA, as a precious fruit of the labor of love. 
Seung Hyun, our first child, was born blind.

"Everyone around me knew that my eyes were hurting after the baby was born, 
but they were too cautious to say anything, and that's a hard reality to accept as a parent."

We went to a doctor who specializes in treating children with eye and ear disorders and had surgery, 
Seung-hyun is now only able to detect light in one eye, and that he would have to live with blindness in one eye.

Seung-hyun's mother is grateful to be able to get around on her own.

"Another Ordeal, Autism Symptoms"

"When he was about four or five years old, there was a kid around him who was different. He couldn't communicate.
He wouldn't say, 'I'm thirsty, I want water,' he'd say, 'Do you want water for me?'
It was autism, and it was just another bump in the road for me."

"So when I watch the recent drama "Woo.Young.Woo," I think of Seung Hyun. 
One of the things that came up in the drama was that a characteristic of autism is that it's hard to look at a person's face. 
is that they have a hard time looking at people's faces, which is exactly what Seung-hyun has."

"It's an A for a snort and a D for a fart!"

But like the main character in the drama Woo.Young.Woo, Seung-hyun has a special ability.
He can hear the sounds of life as notes.
In fact, he wonders why other people don't hear the same things he does.

"Mommy, the sound of a fart is Aki and the sound of a fart is Dishoppi!
Yesterday you sang the song in the key of A, today you sing it in the key of G."

Seung Hyun's special abilities were noticed by his teacher at the developmental center. 
accidentally watched "The Blind Pianist" on the Human Theater. 
She recognized Seung-hyun's potential because a friend of hers was similar to him.

"Seunghyun, why don't you try playing an instrument?"
This special talent gave Seung Hyun Lee the opportunity to pursue a career in music.

"I want to learn this, Mom!"

"It was probably in first grade, I don't know where I heard it.
He came in one day and drew something in a big sketchbook.
It was a violin, and he said he wanted to learn it first."
And so began Seung-hyun's fateful encounter with the violin.

My first lesson was at the tutoring center in front of my school. 
They lasted 30 minutes, twice a week, Seung Hyun-i had too little time to practice.

My developmental disabilities teacher recommended Beautiful Minds, an organization that trains specialists in music for children with disabilities. 
specializing in music for children with disabilities, I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to take lessons from a professor once or twice a month. 
Seung Hyun, who is blind, had to start from scratch with the basics, like how to shape his violin fingers and hold the bow. 
He couldn't keep up with the lessons because he lacked the basics to the point where he had to start over.

For Seung-Hyun, his mom has been teaching him the basics on YouTube. 
the basics through YouTube,as a non-major, it was difficult to teach Seung Hyun 
It was not easy to teach Seunghyun, who is blind.

Still, Seung-hyun has a dream.
He studied hard from 5th to 6th grade, and get into the gifted and talented program at Korea National University of Arts.

Music is a way of life for Seung Hyun Lee,
"The chords are so beautiful, and I'm happiest when I play the violin"

Despite these difficult circumstances, Seunghyun loves music so much that it has become his daily routine.
"The National Competition for Children with Disabilities is kind of a big deal. 

"My teacher told me to be greedy. 
I practiced three songs, and it took me less than two weeks to master them. 
I even memorized the sheet music in a week."

Seunghyun is clearly more talented than the other kids, but he doesn't neglect to practice.
I quit my favorite games because I didn't have enough time to practice, She's happiest when she's playing the violin. 
She says the chords are so pretty.

Sure, we know it's not an easy road.
But to be able to find a path you love and run down it. 
That's the most blessed thing.

Seung Hyun's dream of becoming a happy violinist, 
"Seunghyun's dream is growing with the love of our donors."

"I met you on Beautiful Mind, and you have a child with a developmental disability. and now he's grown up and enrolled in Seoul Preparatory School, 
So when I see Seung Hyun, I'm so grateful that she takes care of him like he's her own child. 
I am so thankful that there are people who love and care for Seunghyun as if he were their own child."

Even with this support, Seung Hyun was unable to get proper Seung Hyun was unable to get proper private lessons.
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters, he is now able to receive ongoing support.

To her many talented friends who, like Seung-hyun, have never lost their dreams despite difficult circumstances.
"If you don't lose your dreams, the way will open," said Seung Hyun's mother.

"They say snails climb mountains. 
I'm going to be a good violinist someday."

Seung Hyun finds happiness through the violin and understanding the world through music. 
She is highly engaged when she turns on the violin, and when she finishes playing, 
she feels like she has the world at her fingertips Seunghyun's happy face when he finishes to play I hope he can continue to play the violin like other children.