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Mission Statement

Home > Who We Are > Mission Statement


  • Our vision is to see a world where every youth can realize their dreams of a better, brighter future.


  • Our mission is to provide diverse educational opportunities for children and youth in the world to assist them in preparing themselves and their communities for a better future.

Core Values

  • Creativity : We are a progressive thinking and adaptable foundation that is not afraid of changes and innovations to create better tomorrow for the youth.
  • Trust : Trust is a critical factor for us. We work hard to establish mutual trust between ourselves, our partners, our donors, and the youth we serve. We believe that the trust can be only built through mutual respect, transparent financial management, and direct accountability.
  • Passion : we are passionate in the conviction that the dedicated combined efforts of our staff, our partners, our contributors and the youth we serve make a difference in the future for everyone.
  • Action : We do not hesitate to step up to a challenge if there is potential value to the youth and communities we serve.


3C Model

  • Communications Liaison among stakeholders
  • Coordinator who connects needs with resources among stakeholders
  • Creator who plans and develops sustainable projects among stakeholders

(The stakeholders mean in here are partners, donors, staff, volunteers,
community, general public, last but not least, young people.)